Premium Value In Chamber Membership
Why should you join the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce? There are five reasons that companies/organizations join a chamber of commerce: networking/promotion, business advocacy, cost savings & benefits, education & training, and community involvement. The Garrett County Chamber provides programming in each of these categories.

- Boost your visibility with a Member listing on (600,000 + unique visitors and nearly 1,600,000 individual page views in the last 12 months)
- Find qualified employees with free job postings on
- Post your events on the area's most comprehensive online Event Calendar
- Display your brochures and rack cards at the Visitors Center
- Raise your credibility with the official Membership Cling to display at your establishment
- Receive submissions from potential customers using our Request for Proposal form
- Foster professional relationships and make valuable business contacts at Monthly Business After Hours
- Celebrate the year's accomplishments at the Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner
- Share your Membership News in weekly E-Flash electronic newsletter, on our website, and social media
- Strengthen your business image with sponsorship opportunities
- Reach out to fellow Members and Member representatives via direct mail with Membership Mailing List
- Qualify for Award eligibility (Heise Entrepreneurial Spirit Award, Golden Ambassador Award, Diplomat of the Year Award, Volunteer of the Year Award)
The Chamber represents local business interests at the Local, State, and Federal Levels
Participation in PACE Reception and Breakfast in Annapolis
Legislative Update Business Before Hours (featuring Senator George Edwards and Delegate Wendell Beitzel)
State of the County Business Before Hours (featuring Garrett County Commissioners)
Get involved in the Legislative Affairs Committee
Receive General Assembly Updates and Calls-to-Action
- Attend Business Before Hours (Economic Forecast, Legislative Update, State of the County)
- Attend topical Educational and Professional Development Seminars (EMV Chip Card, Paid Leave, etc.)
- Learn about a variety of topics from Human Resources professionals with the HR Roundtable
- Learn about County Tourism through Statistics and Information
- KStay informed with our Weekly E-Flash electronic newsletter
- Save up to 25% on email marketing with our Constant Contact program
- Steep discounts on office supplies, cleaning supplies and technology through Office Depot/Office Max
- Save BIG on energy by joining our electricity buying co-operative through Premier Power Energy Savings Program
- Utilize the centrally located Visitors Center Conference Room for your own meetings at low or no cost
- Discounted rates to attend Chamber Events
- Find qualified employees by posting openings to our Job Board
- Display Chamber Publications at Your Business
- Strengthen your business image with sponsorship opportunities
- Rent Display Space at Visitors Center in McHenry
- Enjoy great discounts on Chamber organized Group Trips
Join a Chamber Committee and get more involved with the community
Participate in the internationally lauded Autumn Glory Festival
Help preserve valuable heritage resources and enhance tourism in the county with the Garrett County Heritage Area